Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Protect Your Loved Ones. Ensure a Lasting Legacy.


Estate Planning for Trusts with Real Estate Assets

Future generations can gain the full benefit of your business legacy with a seamless transition to a successor trustee.  Investors with significant real estate portfolios often have an enterprising spirit to grow net worth through real estate, and succession planning may be difficult for this type of successful wealth builder. Many are reluctant to relinquish control to a successor, and some never do-until it’s too late.  “You shouldn’t wait to pass down practical knowledge of real estate assets in your […]

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Why Whittier?

From Investments to Family Office to Trustee Services and more, we are your single source solution. Just like you, we're independent and unique. And that's how we treat your needs.

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