We are often asked by folks who are relatively new to philanthropy – especially younger family members as they begin to get involved with their family’s philanthropy – if we have a list of do’s and don’ts for interfacing with grantee organizations. Because every family’s philanthropic journey is unique, we’ve been reluctant to come up with a universal set of rules. But we do have a set of guiding principles that we believe have allowed us to represent our clients well in the philanthropic community for over 65 years. In this webinar, we’ll share our philosophy and the best practices we have developed for:
- Conducting grantee research and initial outreach
- Performing financial diligence
- Scheduling and conducting site visits
- Engaging in ongoing communication
By implementing these practices, we believe you’ll be on your way to developing respectful and honest relationships with your grantees, which can only enhance your philanthropic experience.
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